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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Half Off Depot Deals

Hey guys - if you live or visit Atlanta you should check out these great deals from Half Off Depot. They just added some new discounts, new attractions and new restaurants. It's an easy way to get more for your money. Check out these current deals:

Rise Sushi Lounge on Marietta Street
$25 gift cards = you pay $12.50
$50 gift cards = you pay $25

$50 gift cards = you pay $25

Little Azio (all 9 locations)
$20 gift card = you pay $10

Whole World Theatre (the cast is HILARIOUS!!!)
$23 gift card = you pay $11.50

Stone Mountain Golf Club (one round of golf)
$55 fee = you pay $27.50

Georgia Aquarium Behind the Scenes Tour (includes admission ticket)
$77 gift card = you pay $39.50

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