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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dear FOX

Dear FOX,
Damn you and your carefully calculated plan to rope me in with American idol and then drag me unwittingly into watching your new series "Lie to Me". I absolutely DO NOT need another thing on television to devote my time to. To add insult to injury - the crazy show is FANTASTIC and I can already tell I will be seeing more of it. How did I fall for this?!?!?!
Thank you very much.

If you managed to dodge their perfectly targeted scheme to entice you to watch this week, I do highly recommend it. This was only the pilot episode but, the characters are great, the plot is unique, all the elements are weaved together in a truly intriguing way and I have always been fascinated by this study so I can't turn away.

Lie to Me - FOX, Wed. @ 9 p.m.

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