I love online shopping. I know many people who loather the experience, but in my book it's just GREAT! I just discovered that Amazon offers something called a
Universal Wishlist. Amazing. I'm sure this isn't breaking news, but it was to me. It is like they read my mind. They have always offered the ability to do multiple wishlist within the Amazon site, but with the Universal Wishlist ... you can shop
anywhere online and then with a simple click of a button, add items to your list. Again I say,
amazing. Anywhere people!! That is just madness. We're talking all those sweet little finds on
Anthro - ANY ONLINE SHOP - and it links right up. It provides the item name, shop, cost, and quantity automatically and even leaves you a box to put special notes in. Just stop, I can't take any more.
Certainly a perfect solution for those times when someone asks you what you would like for your birthday/graduation/bar mitzvha/christmas/whatever and you draw a total blank. You can make your list public and give out the link (um, hello super easy and convenient). You can also choose to keep it private and just use it as a reminder for yourself. Then, if you have a little bit of
fun-money, you can come back to your list and buy that thing you were drooling over a few months ago. I am really excited about this. I feel this tool adding simplicity to my life already. For that I say ... thank you
Happy shopping or should I say "wishlist-ing" peeps!