{i met one group of super funny ladies to watch the midnight showing of twilight: breaking dawn. kristina made these priceless wolf and vampire cupcakes for the occasion. i met another group of fabulous ladies to attend the Indie Craft Experience & delicious brunch. i love my girls!!}

{i finished sing you home by jodi picoult. a beautiful, well written story with a great ending. i've been checking out recipes in the juice book. i've only had the nerve to try a few. i am a juicing joke. i started and FINISHED the hunger games triology. the movie comes out in march 2012 ... who's going with me? of course, my trusty reading/cuddling buddy reese. he's the best.}

{work, work, work = lots of Trendy Toolbox orders done & we finished our garage!!}

{post thanksgiving. reese is such a quitter. i would say i have been running lately, but that would be an egregious exaggeration of what i do. for the record i think i could safely call it walking briskly.}

{UGA vs. GA Tech game. i love this campus.}

{quite possibly the two most hilarious gifts. the marketing/packaging is too much.}

{we picked out my first live christmas tree at farmer john's. and because we could & they are delicious, we bought some of his boiled peanuts too. the dogs giving final ornament approval.}

Ok,Third time today I'm reading about the Hunger Games.....I guess I had better stick my nose in those books.............
Nikki, I would definitely recommend the trilogy. It is a very quick read, but still very entertaining. I hope you enjoy them!!
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