In addition to the wide variety of choices already available on the brunch, lunch and dinner menus, you can also customize your own crepe in 5 easy steps ...
1: Pick the batter
2: Pick your veggies
3: Pick your meat (or meats if you are so inclined)
4: Pick your cheese (as much as you want!!)
5: Pick your sauce
Done and done.

I would recommend giving Crepe Revolution if you are in the area. The atmosphere is great and the concept is really different. I had the California Turkey and the Katie's Strawberry Blonde. Our sever happened to be the Katie for whom the beverage was named and was a complete spaz. Other than that everything was great. We didn't opt for a dessert crepe on this trip, but I have it on good authority that they are scrumptious. I will be adding this to my growing list of dining options.
Check out their video feature on Atlanta Elite Pass TV.

so yummy! I'm glad you guys got to join us! P.S. I'm still eating the cake from the diner :)
Is it weird that when I first saw this, I thought it was going to be about a craft place... with crepe paper?
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