I have officially myspaced, facebooked, etsy-ed, linked in connected, email answered, newsletter read, online magazine browsed, googled, channel surfed, i-tunes shopped, pill popped and slept so much the past six days that I am ... EXHAUSTED! Me, the Mac, the TV and the dog have spent so much quality time together I am sick of it all - no offense Reese (smooches). I'm going stir crazy here. I know it is the best thing for my body to just sit here, rest and relax, but good grief! Ok that's all the blog pouting I will do. Now back to my routine. blah.

- no, he's not mine. he just looked how i felt. -
Sounds like Heaven to me! I'll trade you!!
Pretty sure whatever's in that picture looks like it needs an INTERVENTION ;)
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