Once upon a time, in a little town called Carrollton, I had the time of my life!! I was a Delta Delta Delta (yes, a sorority girl) at the University of West Georgia. It was a small school, in a small town, but Greek life was the best. I was fortunate enough to meet and spend time with some of the most amazing people I have had the pleasure to know. We were the same on several levels and very different on others. My college experience at SUWG was absolutely unforgettable.
I can say with all honesty that I never thought of myself as a "sorority girl". Looking back now I still can't believe it sometimes, but I wouldn't change a thing. Some of the men and women I met through the Greek system changed my life. I am forever grateful to them. The list of fun and amazing times we shared there is infinite.
And then there are the times on "the Hall", well for those of you who lived it ... you know. Break-ups, hook-ups, naps, movies, work out videos, rush, video night practice, sing alongs, hall wars, phone calls, engagements, meetings, standards, pre-partying, homecoming, DD assignments, pranks, the call box, dial-a-delta, big-lil sleepovers, community showers, closet raids, primping for Thursday nights out, packing to go home for the weekend, 8:01 parties, "studying", the double-wide bed, door decor, breakfast at noon, shackers and so much more.
The ladies of Tri-Delta have been keeping us updated on the latest Greek Village project at SWUG. I am so excited for the next generation of greek-lifers to have this incredible new addition, but a little sad to think about the hall being no more. Scheduled to open in 2009 this addition to campus will most certainly bring a whole new dimension to life on campus. West Georgia was an unexpected detour for me. I loved it. I will forever be grateful for my time there. I can't wait to visit Carrollton to see how amazing the new village is.
1 comment:
It is still so strange to me that you went to WestGa... they are definitely hard at work on this Greek Village. You wouldn't even recognize that area. PLEASE do come visit!!
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