There is no way to describe the emotions that swirled around us throughout the entire process. The days and weeks leading up to our big day were filled with every emotion you could dream. All intense, all special, all memorable in their own way. We are so blessed to have each other, so thankful to be surrounded by so many people who want happiness & success for us and so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love that has been showered on us. It has been breathtaking ... and as we all know I cling to the notion that the breath taking moments we experience are the ones that make life truly worth living.
There were hundreds of photos taken and I promise to post several for all to see. For this moment though, I just want to pause and continue to be grateful. It is rare to find what we have. He is the best person I have ever known and he has made me better just for sharing in the brief moments we have spent together so far. We are looking ahead at the lifetime that awaits us and we are deeply moved ... and to say the least ... very excited! It is sure to be an adventure.
To all of you we love and to all of you who love us back -- CHEERS to all great times yet to be had!!

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